Friday, December 27, 2019

Text of the 14th Amendment

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by Congress on June 13, 1866, during the Reconstruction period after the end of the Civil War. Along with the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, it is one of the three Reconstruction amendments. Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment modified Article I, section 2 of the Constitution. It has had far-reaching effects on the relationship between states and the federal government. Text of the 14th Amendment Section 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2.Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age,* and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. Section 3.No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Section 4.The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. Section 5.The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. *Changed by section 1 of the 26th amendment.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Apples Financial Position For A Stable Business For The...

Introduction Apple has managed to establish a stable business for the past 10 years. Their profitability has managed to succeed expectations and stockholders equity has managed to increase continually since 2011. Since Apple’s stockholder equity is steadily increasing, it is safe to say that they are continually turning a profit. When subtracting liabilities from Apple’s assets, Apple has managed to cover their liabilities and retain earnings. The accumulation of retained earnings has allowed the stockholder equity to increase. Summary of Operations Over the past three years, apple has managed to increase their net sales every year. This means that once Apple deducts returns, damaged goods and discounts from their overall sales, they are left with a given figure. Since their net sales have increased significantly over a three year span, Apple must provide a quality product that customers are happy with. Below is a chart that depicts Apple’s net Sales over the past three years, in comparison with Microsoft and Amazon. Financial Position Apple’s financial position seems to be their strong point, compared to their operations aspect of their organization. Luckily for Apple, their working capital, net property, total assets, long term assets and stockholders equity has managed to increase over the past three years. Apple’s working capital went from 17.02 Billion in 2011, to a staggering 29.63 Billion in 2013. This type of data shows that Apple has the opportunity to grow andShow MoreRelatedInvesting in Apple Inc3227 Words   |  13 PagesINVESTING IN APPLE INCORPORATION FIN 534-Financial Management 3 March 2015 Abstract In my paper, I will provide the rationale for selecting Apple Incorporation for which to invest. I will also determine the profile of the investor for which this company may fit. 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The first part helps investor find a truly valuable company and the second part helps investorRead MoreEssay on Apple Incorporated: Financial Analysis3684 Words   |  15 PagesWRITING ASSIGNMENT: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FIN 534 – Financial Management Student Name Instructor Name Abstract The focus of this analysis is to perform a thorough examination of Apple, Inc.’s financial performance over the past three years and its growing success since being founded in 1976. Apple’s main focus is on design, manufacturing and marketing of personal computers, peripherals, computer related software, digital music player and related accessories, and is maintained by. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Indigenous Health for Australian Government Claim -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theIndigenous Health for Australian Government Claim. Answer: Australian Government claim of turning back to the Assimilation policy by saying that although Australia celebrate cultural diversity and acknowledgment of cultural rights, however practical integration and protection of rights of the aboriginal community is still not seen. The main learning form this reading was that I got to know about the hidden unpalatable political agenda which has camouflaged the goal of well being and equal rights of indigenous people. The authors point of view and support for the right of indigenous people is also evident as he regards that indigenous as an important part of Australian history and he justifies the action to protect distinctive rights of indigenous population on the ground of social justice and human rights principles. According to the Australian Human Right Commission, social justice should be given to the original inhabitants of Australia by maintaining their individual cultural identity and status, giving them control over their status and giving them the right to land (Australian Human Rights Commission 2017). Haebich (2007) gave the idea that amidst unprecedented global migration and extraordinary economic development, all welfare activities were overshadowed by the competition between capitalism and communism. With reference to the past, the author explained about the limitation of the Australian leaders in taking a stand for colonialism and racer. Many campaigns were implemented to support immigrants however by 1957 many migrants remained ambivalent and had not adopted for Australian citizenship (Haebich 2007). Hence, I got to learn that even after the Assimilation policy, much less time and money was spent on promoting aboriginal assimilation. The material used for promoting assimilation was ambiguous. The main insight and conclusion from the reading is that Assimilation policy was implemented to provide equal right to all citizens, however the mechanics of assimilation further reinforced inequalities. This is the reason for greater disparities in health and social status of aboriginal s till date (Chen et al. 2015). This finding has great implications for my own practice as being a health care professional I can play a direct role in improving the health of indigenous Australians. Though I may not be able to address social and economic issues in their life such as giving them right to land, however addressing health disparities in their life is possible according to the scope of my professional practice. The author Haebich (2007) has mainly focused on discussing about the political agenda and process by which the assimilation policy directive was implemented in Australia. However, it lacks details regarding health impacts of the ineffective process on the aboriginals. With my experience in practice, I already know that health disparities in indigenous Australians are wider because of language barrier and poor access to health care. Hence, considering the socioeconomic situation and health disparities in this group, I aim to improve the health of indigenous Australians by developing my competency in cultural practice. This will mainly depend on increasing the cultural knowledge, skills and behaviors of individuals working in the health care system. This will depend on improving the cultural knowledge and behavior while interacting with indigenous people. Respecting their culture and advocating for unfair treatment of the group is essential to assimilate this people in the Australian c ommunity (Davy et al. 2014). Reference Australian Human Rights Commission. 2017.Information Sheet - Social justice and human rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples | Australian Human Rights Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. Chen, L., Xiao, L., Auger, N., Torrie, J., McHugh, N.G.L., Zoungrana, H. and Luo, Z.C., 2015. Disparities and trends in birth outcomes, perinatal and infant mortality in Aboriginal vs. non-Aboriginal populations: a population-based study in Quebec, Canada 19962010.PloS one,10(9), p.e0138562. Davy, C., Kite, E., Sivak, L., Brown, A., Ahmat, T., Brahim, G., Dowling, A., Jacobson, S., Kelly, T., Kemp, K. and Mitchell, F., 2017. Towards the development of a wellbeing model for aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples living with chronic disease.BMC Health Services Research,17(1), p.659. Haebich, A. 2007. Retro-assimilation [Paper in: Divided Nation. Schultz, Julianne (ed.).].Griffith REVIEW, (15), 243.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Youth Culture in the last 20

Introduction Youth culture has been described as the tendency by the youth to differ from their immediate and cultures. Youth culture sprang out as a reaction to the educational, political and economic changes after World War II in Western civilization (Helping youth conference, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Youth Culture in the last 20-30 years: New York, London and Tokyo specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Also, pop culture is the short form of popular culture and can be categorized as the values, language, attitudes, music and entertainment of the masses. Today, popular culture is depicted in the major media which include movies, radio, television and the World Wide Web or the internet. However, different regions will have slightly different pop culture depending on the evolution that took place in time (Cooper, 2000). In the paragraphs that follow, are the descriptions of how youth culture with in the last 30 years influenced New York, London and Tokyo cities. New York City and Pop Culture The youth culture became an accepted form of life in several developed nations and was easily emulated by other nations. Changes in the youth culture manifested itself in strange behavior and lifestyle such as strange dress codes by the female youths and funny haircuts by the males. An example, Punk, used the â€Å"do it yourself† aesthetics with a message that any person can become a musician to attack to the previous generation of the hippie subculture (, 2008). Punk tried to negatively impact the society’s mass marketing, but surprisingly, it also turned into a style for shoppers around the globe. The availability of records and dressing styles was welcome among most of the youth who would adopt the lifestyle even without joining particular subcultures (, 2008). Youth culture has become younger and older at the same time by assuming new meanings. As such, some people take on their youth culture into their adulthood in a move that tries to explain the situation as a lifestyle (McRobbie, 1999).Advertising Looking for research paper on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is evident that youth cultures in the last 30 years have had a strong influence in the current lifestyle of people in New York City. Some of these influences are depicted in the media like film, popular music, television, and the internet. Alternatively, youth has been defined as post-adolescent and pre-adult groups, or as the 1.1 billion young people who are between the ages of 15 and 24 years according to the United Nations (Kett, 1977). It has been noted that the youth form the largest portion of the most media and technologically literate people of their society. As a matter of fact, the youth are considered as the primary engine for the growth of global media culture and are targeted as a co nsumer class by multinational corporations (Klein, 2000). As noted earlier, youth movements like punk from 1980s onwards led to the rise of the hip-hop culture, and the violent rap subculture styles called â€Å"gangsta†. Past youth culture has influenced most of the activities that currently takes place in New York City in several ways. This influences range from the type of music, movies, dressing styles, TV shows and languages among many more. For instance, most of the youths and adults in New York prefer certain music to others due to influence by culture. As such, rap and hip-hop music have taken the top like in most of the fan beyond the than other genres of music like country and R B (The Youth Popular Culture Institute, 2004). Movies that undermine religious values and the use of crude language on Television can also be associated with culture (Savage, 1988). Culture has also influenced the dressing style of most of the youths and adult due to the adoption of strange and unique designs. London and Pop Culture In the British society, Industrialization, urbanization and the development of an information-based society started in the late period of the 18th century.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Youth Culture in the last 20-30 years: New York, London and Tokyo specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After its establishment in the region, it spread to the United States and Europe. When most of the world nations achieved almost the same status of power in the 1980s, the rise of centers such as European, United States and Japan occurred. This is the same to the cultural values, political systems, and economic institutions that exist in different nations (Hebdige, 1979). In London, the influence of youth culture is mild considering that the adult culture is firmly established. As a result of this influential factor, there has been an associated maturity in character of the Lond on youth as compared to the same youth culture from Tokyo. In New York, the yuppies form new elite; therefore, they form part of a dominant class and a new setting. Tokyo and Pop Culture The youth culture in Tokyo naturally differs from that in London in various ways. The key difference, however, is that youth culture was established late in Tokyo as compared to the time it developed in London. In addition, it is inevitable to note that the youth in Tokyo received far less support from their population when compared to the same from the Western regions. A strong influence by Japan’s farming and military cultures existed and shaped the culture significantly (UCLA Center for East Asian Studies, 1994). Below are the generations of youth cultures that developed in the 1980s and helped to shape the existing cities. Characteristics of Contemporary Youth Culture The youth culture shall be analyzed using generational analysis starting with the comparison of Shinjirui and Yuppies â₠¬â€œ New Youth Culture in the 1980s. Shinjirui is defined as a new type of youth which had a vague social character (UCLA Center for East Asian Studies, 1994).Advertising Looking for research paper on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Unlike the baby-boomer generation, the media had much more interest directed to this youth category. The group was also targeted by the consumer market due to its shown potential. This category of the youth was identified by strong individualism, expressionism, and predilection toward consumer behavior. The shinjirui were the first generation of the youth to be brought up in an affluent consumer society that was not crude but an advanced consumer culture (UCLA Center for East Asian Studies, 1994). On the other hand, the yuppie culture from the 1980s had high educational achievement, with high income and industrious. The second youth culture is the Baby-Boomer Junior Generation – New Youth Culture in the 1990s. During the 1990s, the youth culture underwent another change to the junior generation of baby boomers who has a more adaptive social character as compared to the shinjirui culture. The adaptability is considered in three situations as in fluid adaptability, flattering a daptability, and anticipatory and clear adaptability (UCLA Center for East Asian Studies, 1994). Flattering adaptability is where a one will try to adapt to the environment if there is a difference between the environment and the subject. On the other hand, fluid adaptability is one in which another choice is made when the individual does not match with the environment. Lastly, anticipatory and clear adaptability is where a different alternative is provided where an individual cannot select any of the above options. They are identified as a group which were natured in an in the information age world. Comparative Analysis From the early 1980s, there has been an increased resemblance of the youth cultures in Japan and America. For instance, mutual understanding which includes tourism and direct exchange, and consumer life has increased significantly making the two tendencies much clearer. Despite the similarities, there still exist many differences due to geographical conditions and h istorical differences. The class culture in New York has a similar function to the uniform culture – like it or not – in Tokyo. Western European and U.S culture are usually considered as the ideal culture for the Japanese and these reflects to Tokyo City. In the recent future, there has been a great influence on television gaming in the Asian youth culture. Conclusion In all the three cities, youth culture has had a significant influence in various dimensions. The most influence is on the music, movies, television programs, dressing styles among many others. Since the youth culture is targeted by consumer corporations, it has formed the basis for increased economic growth, industrialization and general development in these cities. Technological advancements and the internet has increasingly expanded due to the youth culture in social networking, online purchasing and gaming by the youth. In summary, youth culture can be taken as a vehicle that has stirred up positive s uccess in development in all the three cities. List of References Cooper, D. (2000) Period. New York: Grove Press. (2008). Youth Culture. [online] Hebdige, D. (1979) Subculture. The Meaning of Style. London and New York:  Metheun. Helping youth conference (2005). Helping our youth. [online] Helping youth conference. Kett, J. (1977) Rites of Passage: Adolescence in America 1790 to the Present.  New York: Basic Books. Klein, Naomi (2000): No Logo, London: Flamingo. McRobbie, A. (1999) In the Culture Society: Art, Fashion and Popular Music.  London: Routeledge. Savage, J. (1988) ‘The Enemy Within: Sex, Rock, and Identity’, in Facing the Music:  Essays on Pop, Rock and Culture. London: Mandarin. The Youth Popular Culture Institute (2004). Understanding Youth Popular Culture (YPC)  and the Hip-Hop Influence. [online] The Youth Popular Culture Institute. UCLA Center for East Asian Studies (1994). Japanese Youth and Popular Culture.  [online] UCL A Center for East Asian Studies. This research paper on Youth Culture in the last 20-30 years: New York, London and Tokyo was written and submitted by user TheCall to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Background of Saudi Aramco Essay Example

Background of Saudi Aramco Essay The story of Aramco’s beginnings and the journey the company has taken to become the largest oil company in the world is as remarkable as the journey that has brought Saudi Arabia to its current standing in the community of nations. Aramco is a company characterized by resilience and the courage to take bold steps that have made it a key player in global energy security (Saudi Aramco 2012). The journey of the company is tied to the transformation the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has undergone to become a modern-nation state and a key player in the geopolitical sphere of not only the Arab world but also globally. Having began as merely an oil producing companies that was no different from other companies in the industry at the time, Aramco has steadily grown to become the fully integrated global energy enterprise that it is today with partnerships spreading to various parts of the world including Asia, Europe and North America (Saudi Aramco 2012). Aramco’s journey began with the signing of an oil concession agreement with the Standard Oil Company of California on May 29, 1933 which paved way for the beginning of aerial surveys the following year. In 1935, the first oil well was drilled and a new pier was erected at al-Khobar at a time when more proven oil finds were located in Bahrain, Iraq and Persia. In 1936, the Texas Co. made a 50% acquisition of the concession and launched operations in Bahrain. By 1939, various wells had been drilled and for the first time, an oil tanker transported the first load of petroleum from Saudi Arabia. Aramco was officially on its way to becoming the corporation it is today (Saudi Aramco 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Background of Saudi Aramco specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Background of Saudi Aramco specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Background of Saudi Aramco specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer By the beginning of the 1940s, the company was producing about 15,000 bpd and its workforce had grown to nearly 4,000. 1940 began with the discovery of the Abqaiq oil field but during the early years of the 1940s, the company faced some difficulties including the closure of its refinery at Ras Tanura in 1941 and suspension of field mapping in 1942. 1943 witnessed growth of innovation in the oil and gas industry due to the shortages occasioned by the World War II and Casoc was renamed Aramco in 1944 with headquarters in San Francisco and an amazing journey of remarkable growth began. As of 1949, Aramco had increased its productivity to 500,000 bpd. In 1946, the company commissioned its administration building in Dhahran and the decade ended with the completion of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline enabling Saudi Arabia to export its oil through the Mediterranean Sea (Saudi Aramco 2012). In 1951, the Safaniya offshore oil field was discovered and the following year, Aramco moved its headquarters to Dhahran. In 1954, the company’s production reached 1 million bpd transforming Aramco into an oil production powerhouse (Saudi Aramco 2012). Exploration work at Rub’ al-Khali began in 1955 and by 1958; the company’s production had topped 1 million bpd. The close of the 1950’s saw two Saudi nationals joining Aramco board as more Saudis assumed managerial positions within the company. In 1961, the company hit yet another milestone when it exported liquefied gas from its Ras Tanura facility for the first time. By 1962, production of crude oil had hit the 5 billion barrels mark and the following year, the company patented its oil sweetening technology. In 1965, Aramco’s oil production reached 2 million bpd and the discovery of the Shaybah oil field further boosted the company’s productivity. The company closed the decade with the commissioning of an offshore gas-oil separation plant at the Safaniya oil field, the first of its kind in the history of Aramco (Saudi Aramco 2012). Photo 2: Aramco’s first offshore gas-oil separation plant at the Safaniya oil field commisioned in 1969 [Source: Aramco] During the 1970s, the Saudi Government began the acquisition process aimed at changing Aramco into a fully government owned company or a national oil corporation (NOC). It is a decade that would witness rapid growth in the oil and gas industry as Aramco was operating three of the largest oil and gas projects in the world (Saudi Aramco 2012). The company had officially taken the lead in oil and gas production and taken its rightful place in the global energy security landscape. In 1973, the Government acquired a 25% stake in Aramco followed by a further acquisition of 35% in 1974 bringing the Government’s ownership of the Aramco to 60%. The same year, the Ju’aymah offshore crude oil terminal was commisioned and in 1976, Aramco became the first oil company in the world to reach an output of 3 billion barrels in one year, a fete that had not been achived by any other company (Saudi Aramco 2012). In 1980, the Saudi Government completed acquisition of the remaining 40% ownership of Aramco but the decline in oil prices would force the company to rethinkk its strategy (Saudi Aramco 2012). By this time, the governemt owned 100% stake at Aramco and despite the hardships in the global oil market, Aramco made significant strides. For example, the Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center (EXPEC) was opened in 1983. Having fully acquired the company, the Saudi Government transformed Aramco into Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) and in 1989, the company found oil at Hawtah marking the beginning of a decade that would witness massive invention and investment in the oil and gas industry (Saudi Aramco 2012). Picture 3: Aramco’s Operations Coordination Center, the largest of its kind in the Oil and Gas industry [Source: Aramco] Aramco began its expansion strategy in earnest with the 1991 acquisition of a 35% stake in S-oil refinery and harbor, Onsan, Republic of Korea (Saudi Aramco 2012). The following year, the company’s exploration efforts yielded discovery of oil in the central part of the country having drilled its first well at Midyan. In 1993, Aramco’s merger with Samarec was completed and the following year, Aramco acquired a 40% stake in Petron, a company based in the Philippines and in 1996, Aramco entered its first European joint venture. In 1999, the company completed the refurbishment of the Ras Tanura refinery before opening a Research Development Center (RDC) to spearhead innovation in the oil and gas sector (Saudi Aramco 2012). Picture 4: Refurbished and upgraded Ras Tanura refinery [Source: Aramco] During the 2000s, Aramco established partnerships with various international companies with focus on gas production as well as patenting of technology developed by the company’s RDC. On top of this, Aramco embarked on the largest capital expansion in the company’s history aimed at ensuring stability and reliability. To this end, the company commissioned Hawiyah gas plant in 2001 and in the following year, Aramco acquired Texaco’s stake in Motiva (Saudi Aramco 2012). This was followed by the opening of the Haradh gas plant in 2003 before further expansion plans in 2004 led to rge acquiition of stake in Showa Shell which enabled the company to raise its output by a further 800 thousand bpd. In 2005, Aramco entered into a joint venture with Sumitomo Chemical Company. 2007 saw Aramco enter into yet another equity venture, this time in China with the Fujian Refining and Petrochemical Co. Ltd. In 2008, Aramco celebrated its 75th year in the oil and gas industry and the following year, the company completed its expansion program raising its capacity to 12 million bpd (Saudi Aramco 2012) but with actual production averaging 9. 1 million bpd in 2011.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Sin Of Nadab & Abihu Essays - Book Of Leviticus, Kohanim

The Sin Of Nadab & Abihu Essays - Book Of Leviticus, Kohanim The Sin of Nadab & Abihu Verse: (Lev. 10:1) And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron took either of them his censer, and put fire therin, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. (King James) The Sin of Nadab & Abihu: An Exegesis There is no clear consensus as to what sin Nadab and Abihu committed as detailed in verse 10:1 of the book Leviticus, in the Hebrew bible. Some commentators like to take into consideration material previously mentioned, some like the literal view of the story, others try to narrow the possibilities to come to a conclusion, while still more understand it all as simply a figurative tale. But in truth, few if any of the explanations this exegesist looked through seemed satisfactory, but blended together, and analyzed individually, they did form a far more satisfactory intrepretation of my own. The story is that Aaron, the newly consecrated Israelite High Priest had two sons, Nadab and Abihu, who were consumed by God for offering 'strange fire' before him. This occruance took place during the Octave-day celebrations which were taking place for the opening of the just completed Tent Of Meeting, or Tabernacle. Sacrifices, and prayers were to take place each day with special ritualistic rules in the preparation and performance of each. The priests were chiefly responsible for the running of events, and as most scholars agree Nadab and Abihu at the time of their death were priests, and so were presumably performing their priestly duties. Where the break in agreement occurs is with the question that naturally arises: What did Nadab and Abihu do wrong? The answer to this question lies in the context of the verse, the bigger picture involved. This does not, however, mean that it is clear enough so one can realize it with a read through or two. To best comprehend the situation, an understanding of the verse must be realized. The realization in this case is best accompolished through a translation of the verse from the original Hebrew that can put a clear picture of the happenings taking place. Unfortunately such a translation is not available. The King James is to poetic to be vivid, and the RSV changes the true meanings of words too much to be respected. Similar arguments could be put for the other translations out there. Faced with such a dillema, one must undertake the translating upon himself: "Then took Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each his censer and placed in them fiery coals, and put on them incense and sacrificed before the Lord with strange fire, which he had not commanded them." With this translation it is clear that the action is taking place with a specific sequence, in an event that has to be taken into consideration. Furthermore, it clarifies the problem with the 'strange fire' to explain that the fire was strange because it wasn't what God had commanded to be done. It is admitted, however, that this translation does not answer any questions beyond what any sentence can at any time answer. It is just a tale of events, and as any sentence studied individually would be, is a bit obscure. The whole picture must be taken into consideration. As for some explanation of the terms used: A censer is a pan used to carry coals. It has practical used even today in the middle east. The incense was a mixture of sweet herbs and spices as prescribed in Exodus 30:34. The one phrase that needs to be further developed is the hebrew 'esh zara' or 'strange fire'. The word esh as used here refers to fiery coals, but it has nevertheless compelled many scholars try to interpret it, mostly to fit their own theoretical views. In its present form esh zara, simply means a fire taken from an unauthorized source. This is what had made it strange and unholy for use in the Tent of Meeting. The use of the word zara which means strange, is a bit puzzling. Only a handful of times has the this form of strange been used in the Torah. Three other places other than Lev. 10:1 it's been used to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Basic Beliefs and Ideas of Aristotle Assignment

The Basic Beliefs and Ideas of Aristotle - Assignment Example This essay discusses Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was the most brilliant student of Plato. After completing his education, he made his own school known as Aristotle’s Lyceum in Athens that can provide quality education to all students. Aristotle’s major beliefs and ideas were based on different subjects including poetry, mathematics, logic, music, biology, zoology, government, ethics, politics, linguistics, theatre, metaphysics and rhetoric. This Greek philosopher was the most prominent figure in the western history. He has influenced the perception of the western civilization and world at the micro level. His notable ideas that famous all around the words includes Passion, Syllogism, Golden mean, Reason and Logic. He is the first founder of two principals’ logic and biology. In addition this, Aristotle produces the new perception about the diversity of human beings known as Aristotle’s Enhanced Hierarchy of Beings. This hierarchy makes a chain and sta rts from least to the greatest. It includes primary matter, four elements, inanimate objects, organic objects, animals, humans and God. Also, he gave different ideas for optics, chance and spontaneity, universals and particulars, classification of living things, the influence on Hellenistic drugs, empirical research program and much more. Aristotle beliefs and ideas remarkably changed the perception of western and world and played a huge role in the development of the world. His influential, philosophical and theological thinking still has a great impact on Christians.