Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Basic Beliefs and Ideas of Aristotle Assignment

The Basic Beliefs and Ideas of Aristotle - Assignment Example This essay discusses Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was the most brilliant student of Plato. After completing his education, he made his own school known as Aristotle’s Lyceum in Athens that can provide quality education to all students. Aristotle’s major beliefs and ideas were based on different subjects including poetry, mathematics, logic, music, biology, zoology, government, ethics, politics, linguistics, theatre, metaphysics and rhetoric. This Greek philosopher was the most prominent figure in the western history. He has influenced the perception of the western civilization and world at the micro level. His notable ideas that famous all around the words includes Passion, Syllogism, Golden mean, Reason and Logic. He is the first founder of two principals’ logic and biology. In addition this, Aristotle produces the new perception about the diversity of human beings known as Aristotle’s Enhanced Hierarchy of Beings. This hierarchy makes a chain and sta rts from least to the greatest. It includes primary matter, four elements, inanimate objects, organic objects, animals, humans and God. Also, he gave different ideas for optics, chance and spontaneity, universals and particulars, classification of living things, the influence on Hellenistic drugs, empirical research program and much more. Aristotle beliefs and ideas remarkably changed the perception of western and world and played a huge role in the development of the world. His influential, philosophical and theological thinking still has a great impact on Christians.

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